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The Misawa Joint Honor Guard is always looking for dedicated members of any service. Contact them at misawa.honorguard@misawa.af.mil or call 226-5108.

Be sure to check out the next "9 Day Market". Misawa hosts Co-op style open market at the Miss Vedol Plaza on the 9th, 19, and 29th of each month. Good deals on fresh produce, fish, flowers and more without the retail markup. The plaza is a few block from the McDonald's intersection. If coming from the base, turn right at McDonalds and look for the large red roof on the right.

See what used cars are available on the Lemon Lot.

The commanders Access Channel Slides are available on line at the base web page

The Military Personnel Center makes ID cards by appointment only. Here is their their appointment website. Click Make Appointment the select Japan rom the bottom drop-down box and click "Fo". Then Select the Misawa-Shi button. This brings up a calandar with available slots.

The Force Support Squadron hosts the PACAF I-Award program. Submit your idea for a new program that the FSS could offer. a $200 cash prize will be presented each quarter to the best submission. Details are here.

Check out the tours that Misawa ITT has planned.

The Youth Sports Program offers leagues year-round. Check out the Youth Sports website.

A Corporate Attorney shares some really good insight, advice and information concering identity theft and keeping your personal info to yourself. Check it out at MountainWings.com.

New dialing procedures for 616 numbers: From home phone Dial 6 and the four digit number; from DSN dial 96-6 and the four digit number; from cell phones dial 03458-00135, wait and then 1-218-667 and the four digit number. Whew!

Services Squadron has a Job Line. Call 226-jobs and listen to a current listing of the positions available around the base. It's updated weekly.

The onbase phone system has changed quite a bit. All home phones are now run by Verizon and the number have changed. Check out the new dialing schemes

To access toll free phone numbers in the States from an official military Class A phone, dial 94 + 809--4OFF DSN. Wait for a second dial tone then dial the toll free number (i.e. 1-800-XXX-XXXX).

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